2-11&12-11 Upper River Jig Fishing

The fishing in the middle Rogue has been slow so far this year.  The fish are on their way however and with rain scheduled for the coming week, it should be on when the river drops back in.

Friday and Saturday were spent on the upper Rogue to see if the fish wanted to play up there.  The fish were much more cooperative, and although not as bright as chrome winter fish in the middle Rogue, they were VERY willing to chomp the Reel Tech Steelhead jigs!!!

Brett Stewart fighting a feisty upper Rogue Steelhead.

In the net!

Brett with a nice jig biter!-Released.

Dave McIntyre bendo on an upper Rogue Steelhead.

Dave McIntyre with a nice jig steelhead!-Released.

A nice upper Rogue Steelhead that couldn’t resist a well placed jig!-Released.

A big buck that ate the jig!-released.

Hatchery Hen that came home with us!

Jig biting steelhead-Released

Small barbell Reel Tech Steelhead Jig!

Couldnt resist the Pink/Orange/White Reel Tech Barbell Jig!

Bobber downs, Bent Rods, Tight Lines and Screaming Drags to all!!!

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